zen practice group
a place to gather peacefully and explore the practice of zen.
Everyone is welcome, regardless of experience. Warwick Zen is committed to sharing the practice of zen meditation and building a community of inclusion and exploration to deepen our appreciation of our lives and the life of the world around us. To share a path of practice.
where | when
We meet in-person Wednesday evenings from 6:45-9:00 pm at the Warwick Valley Community Center, 11 Hamilton Avenue, Warwick, NY, 10990, and online Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 5:00-6:00 am.
If you’re coming for the first time, please be there by 6:45 pm for instruction, even if you have prior meditation experience. Wear something comfortable. We have cushions and chairs available, but if you have something you like to sit on for meditation, bring it along.
For those who’ve been here before and don’t require instruction, please be in your seat by 7:10 pm at the latest. The meditation period begins at 7:15 pm promptly.
what | how
We sit for two 30 minute periods of seated zen meditation, or Zazen as it’s known in Japanese. Zen practice involves silent seated meditation. We sit together in silence and follow the breath and experience our life as it is.
Between sitting periods we will do walking meditation, or kinhin. This is a continuation of meditation and also a chance to stretch your legs a little as we first walk slowly, following each breath, and then a little faster.
After we finish both meditation periods, we have a cup of tea together and then sit down for a short discussion on Zen practice.